Clubkultur im Kontext ihrer politischen Schlagkraft
Performativ – Verkopft – Exzessiv
Die Kreaturen der Nacht schreien: Reclaim the clubnight!
NIGHT CREATURE’S DAEMONS ist eine Clubreihe von und für FLINTA* Personen und deren Verbündete. Jede Veranstaltung folgt dabei einem anderen Konzept, das von unterschiedlichen Kollektiven erstellt und umgesetzt wird. Mehr zur politischen und feministischen Schlagkraft der gesamten Reihe, die Mika Egal für die STWST konzipiert hat.:
Evita Manji
Musician and vocalist Evita Manji is connecting the dots between the human experience, climate change, quantum physics and death, in an attempt to dig deeper into the primordial truth of existence. Through their carefully constructed practice of synthesis and sound design, led by choir inspired vocals, they fabricate musical worlds consisted of ever-expanding sonic organisms and shapeless solid non-materials.
Manji has been an ethereal presence on the scene for the last few years, collaborating with numerous artists as both a sound artist and a creative director. Last year, they launched their own platform myxoxym, where they debuted two singles from their upcoming album and assembled an ambitious fundraiser compilation featuring Rainy Miller, Palmistry, Cecile Believe and others, raising money for Greek wildlife fund ANIMA. Performing across the world at festivals such as Unsound, Lunchmeat, and Rhizom, Manji has also appeared at clubs in Berlin and London, and was picked to represent the Shape+ platform in 2022. Their long awaited debut album ”Spandrel?” is set to be released on the 30th of January via PAN Records.
MARAws b2b same
MARAws and same play post-club and alternative music ever since they started djing together as a b2b rave-fixture. They share a sensitivity for both sensible club tendencies and a keen knowledge of the current Soundcloud-Bangers. MARAws organises the event series Augend&Addend, while same also plays live-shows under the same name and organises shift club – they are both a part of the label Jeopardize and based in Vienna.
Mursal is a vienna based dancer and dj. She plays gqom, lisbon beats, noise and more.
Linz based DJ and composer ✧*:·゚✧sch4tz1✧*:·゚✧explores the far natures of music and is inspired by mystical, rare and electric sounds, especially those from the club culture.
Das AwA* – Kollektiv für Awareness Arbeit – Veranstaltungsbetreuung, Awareness im öffentlichen Raum, Bildungsarbeit und Konzepte – wird an diesem Abend ein Awarenesskonzept umsetzen und den Einlass zur Veranstaltung betreuen. Zudem werden sie im Anschluss an Evita Manji und sch4tz1 das DJ Lineup kuratieren.
Awareness bedeutet für sie Achtsamkeit und Bewusstsein in Bezug auf den Umgang miteinander und des Vermeidens von Diskriminierung, Übergriffen und (sexualisierter) Gewalt. Das beinhaltet ein Bewusstsein im Umgang mit gesellschaftlichen Machtverhältnissen und ihrer eigenen Position in diesen.