// https://newcontext.stwst.at/projects/tangible_music_club
// https://newcontext.stwst.at/en/projects/tangible_music_club
// Blackistone
Kevin Blackistone will be presenting a new, improvised electronic set showcasing his recently developed system which uses artificial intelligence systems to live-learn his style of performance from sound and movement. It will then punish him, through electroshock, for predictability. The set will try to build electronic melodies, rhythms and textures that are performatively coherent, while simultaneously attempting to fight the algorithm to create only sound/motion patterns that are novel. Through this set he will receive the pain-based feedback of his electronic antagonist, having to balance his desire to perform particular structures, against an interest in penal avoidance.
Much in the way the public must find new, often frustrating, ways to interact around corporate and governmental interventions such has hostile architecture, and algorithmic profiling, the musician must find evasive improvisations to satisfy the self, the algorithm… and ultimately… ..the audience.
// Martí Ruids
Martí Ruids will showcase some the possibilities of the new soundsculptures built during his course at the Post Digital Lutherie Master Course and his art residence at Salzamt. These sound devices are inspired by the Baschet system for creative applied acoustics; deeper explorations on how to define sound by playing with the relationships between materials, shapes and action. As usual in his courses and experimental building every new soundsculpture is unique and offers exciting chances for exploration, so the inaugural performance is conceived as an opening improvisational dialog among his musical intuitions and the intrinsic musicality of the objects.