TRACK UPLOAD via „drag&drop“

[ PLEASE NAME your track like this „ProducerName_TrackTitle.wav“ so we can provide a valid INSERT during the listening session!!! ]


„we provide the VIRTUAL space and a sample, you HAVE your tools or instruments AT HOME. everyone builds a track within two hours regardless of genre, aesthetics or technique. all are welcome to craft and listen – it’s as simple as that.“
01.04.2021 – 18:00-22:00
Home Studios + Dorf-TV
01.04.2021 – 18:00-22:00
Home Studios + Dorf-TV
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dear all, we changed our settings a bit and adapted to these challenging conditions we all still face! a good way to cope is as always to cooperate with each other – therefore we’re happy to announce that the lovely people of Dorf-TV are on board now as well!
that being said, our brand new schedule for the SECOND SEASON of „Sample As That“ reads as follows:
18:00 – 18:15 … DOWNLOADING
We’ll upload a curated and handpicked sample beforehand and share the DOWNLOAD-LINK with yall in the FB-EVENT!
We’ll upload a curated and handpicked sample beforehand and share the DOWNLOAD-LINK with yall in the FB-EVENT!
18:15 – 20:15 … SAMPLING
You’re welcome to work for up to 2 hours in your HOMESTUDIO on your music/sound by using bits and pieces of the provided sample – after this period, YOU’LL UPLOAD YOUR contributions ONTO AN OWNCLOUD-FOLDER. Please be sure to name your track accordingly.
You’re welcome to work for up to 2 hours in your HOMESTUDIO on your music/sound by using bits and pieces of the provided sample – after this period, YOU’LL UPLOAD YOUR contributions ONTO AN OWNCLOUD-FOLDER. Please be sure to name your track accordingly.
20:15 – 20:30 … UPLOADING
The LINK to said upload-folder will also be posted in the fb-event HERE.
The LINK to said upload-folder will also be posted in the fb-event HERE.
21:00 – 22:00 … LISTENING
After we got all tracks/files, we’ll be listening together to each contribution via DORF-TV one after the other – please let us know if you don’t want your track to be streamed! our host ELIOT will present the tv-show LIVE and provide context to our event – giving insight in the curated sample, the curator and the participants; as well as giving attention and focus to each production, and applause respectively, as usual! You’re welcome to join the conversation, hence the show, via ZOOM and talk about your production ON AIR aswell!
After we got all tracks/files, we’ll be listening together to each contribution via DORF-TV one after the other – please let us know if you don’t want your track to be streamed! our host ELIOT will present the tv-show LIVE and provide context to our event – giving insight in the curated sample, the curator and the participants; as well as giving attention and focus to each production, and applause respectively, as usual! You’re welcome to join the conversation, hence the show, via ZOOM and talk about your production ON AIR aswell!
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„Sample As That – FAQ“
An art form with its beginnings dating back to the French avant-garde of the 1940s and connecting through its ancestral chart all kinds of music styles and aesthetics – from the BBC radiophonic workshops, Jamaican dub pioneers, hip hop originators and progressive psychedelic rock, to industrial and plunderphonics as well. Taking pre-existing media and reusing it in a genuine way to create something new – it’s as simple as that.
An art form with its beginnings dating back to the French avant-garde of the 1940s and connecting through its ancestral chart all kinds of music styles and aesthetics – from the BBC radiophonic workshops, Jamaican dub pioneers, hip hop originators and progressive psychedelic rock, to industrial and plunderphonics as well. Taking pre-existing media and reusing it in a genuine way to create something new – it’s as simple as that.
Being the little sister of Berlin’s infamous „Sample Science“ events at Café Wendel, it borrows the basic frameworks from ELIOT’s experiences within these sessions – being mostly the time frame and its social settings; namely a mutual respect for all colleagues, levels of experiences, musical genres and overall aesthetics! And of course the aim to gather different creative people in a public but casual location to cherish the art of sampling and therefore making it visible. Basically it’s a community event for doing music in a shared environment – it’s as simple as that.
Being the little sister of Berlin’s infamous „Sample Science“ events at Café Wendel, it borrows the basic frameworks from ELIOT’s experiences within these sessions – being mostly the time frame and its social settings; namely a mutual respect for all colleagues, levels of experiences, musical genres and overall aesthetics! And of course the aim to gather different creative people in a public but casual location to cherish the art of sampling and therefore making it visible. Basically it’s a community event for doing music in a shared environment – it’s as simple as that.
Linz’ very own STWST is providing the basis for these gatherings – not only through shelter and by hosting the events, but also by being the pinpoint for our samples themselves. All samples we’ll draw from, will be connected to this location and thus to the very individuals who perform(ed) music throughout the years. Those musicians, DJs and acts of all sorts will be curating and picking samples for us to work with – it’s as simple as that.
Linz’ very own STWST is providing the basis for these gatherings – not only through shelter and by hosting the events, but also by being the pinpoint for our samples themselves. All samples we’ll draw from, will be connected to this location and thus to the very individuals who perform(ed) music throughout the years. Those musicians, DJs and acts of all sorts will be curating and picking samples for us to work with – it’s as simple as that.
Since we had to change the initial concept, we had a rough time to find a proper way of listening to all contributions together, or having a conversation respectively! So we reached out to find shared expertise within Linz‘ creative media community and found ourselfs pitching ideas with the DORF-TV crew, coming up with this new format of a tv-show – it’s as simple as that.
Since we had to change the initial concept, we had a rough time to find a proper way of listening to all contributions together, or having a conversation respectively! So we reached out to find shared expertise within Linz‘ creative media community and found ourselfs pitching ideas with the DORF-TV crew, coming up with this new format of a tv-show – it’s as simple as that.