Kinky and Dinky
No fillers – just killers
Didi Bruckmayr and Alex Jöchtl are Notorious creators of all kinds of sonic and visual noises since 1988. Active in various projects like Fuckhead or Wipeout. Works for opera houses, theatres, festivals, clubs, universities and shitholes. .. „sometimes we do not think, but we always listen….“
This is the Synthiepop-Industrial-Bass-Techno-Evergreen-Punk and Schlagermusic live act for the party you have never wanted to go to. But you will be there and stupid Bruckmayr and dumb Jöchtl will do a job on you!
Get ready for Pogo,Paartanz und Damenwahl You will get drunk,dance the night away and find yourself singing silly songs. You might not look good at your Aunties Dinner the next day. But do not complain then. You should have known better! At least it was fun!
Fuck it – bring your condoms